Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New president inbound, America shows their class

Public radio's on in the background, and John McCain just conceded. Maybe it's just been too long since I've heard a concession speech on the national level, but I honestly don't remember the winners being booed and jeered while the loser is delivering the speech... *sigh*.

Stay classy, America.


Matt said...

McCain did use a very neat rhetorical technique early in his speech.

A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Senator Barack Obama to congratulate him.
To congratulate him on being elected the next president of the country that we both love.

And suddenly, those in the crowd who wanted to boo couldn't. Because they would be booing McCain's love of America.

McCain was able to maintain control for most of the rest of his speech.

delRhode said...

Oh, no doubt, McCain did a fine job on the speech, and handled crowd control nicely in the process... I just don't recall, say, back when Bush Jr. won his first term, a whole lot of hostility from the general-public supporters of the losing side. Hostility from the outgoing White House staffers, yes (removing all the Ws from keyboards, for example), and certainly chagrin and sorrow on the part of the losing party, but not unfettered disdain at the mere mention of the winner's name.

Oh well, I guess I just hope it's a passing phase in politics, not the new norm.