Thursday, March 19, 2009

Internet Explorer 8 - my first headache

Internet Explorer 8 came out today... so, being the forward-thinking type that I am, I went ahead and installed it on my home Windows box, to get a taste of what hell I'm in for when the machines at work update. Surprisingly, nothing I've tested so far has broken outright... but that doesn't mean IE8 gets a clean bill of health, oh no.

One thing I was curious about was how this "compatibility mode" switch thing would work... and, sadly, it's another case of Microsoft being just a little to "helpful" for my tastes. Of course, this particular issue will likely only affect one person (me), so I guess that's some small comfort.

You see, Microsoft realized that some websites use things other than "www" in front of their domain name for web-based content... so, being the "helpful" sorts that they are, they didn't limit their compatibility mode setting to any single server, but to the entire domain. That's all fine and well, if you have for your main content, and for advertising, etc., etc... but I have www. as a web server (which I pride myself on keeping standards-compliant) and pds. for the administration site for a service I maintain, which is provided by a third party and coded to IE7. So, unless I want to futz about with the compatibility mode setting every time I switch between sites, I just have to pretend IE8 is broken when I visit my real website.

I sincerely hope that I stumble across, or Microsoft comes out with, some sort of "advanced" compatibility settings tool, to let me be more specific when I want to. Not holding my breath...

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