Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Spoilerriffic! Seafall, game 6

So, yeah, this was a game that stretched over two sessions, but maybe the less said about it the better... the leader after the first session missed the second session, and most of the remaining players had some terrible luck.  The relevant stats, then:

  • No milestones claimed, and no new colonies established
  • Thanks to that, this was the first game to see two winter rounds
  • About an island's worth of exploration was performed on existing islands, leaving about another island's worth left (mostly on Overkill, since the native garrison there interferes with all endeavors, not just raids)
  • Two more tombs were completed, resulting in another tablet and the first relic of the game
  • There are still four open, attainable island slots... but I believe there are only two more islands available at the moment?
 End result:  one of the players tied for third pulled their own overkill maneuver, and I lost a little ground on the player in second... but not enough to actually drop out of first.  Currently, the three of us are all within 3 points of each other in overall score... but there are many games to go yet, and we won't be starting our next game until mid-July, courtesy of the 4th.  We'll see what fun unfolds then.

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