Thursday, January 7, 2021

If you've been paying attention, yesterday shouldn't have been a surprise

 So, yeah, for anybody stumbling across this post in months or years to come, yesterday is when a mob, gathered and incited by President Trump and his associates, descended on the Capitol, forced their way in, and attempted to stop the count of votes that would result in Joe Biden becoming the new President in a couple of weeks.  While there are plenty of surrounding issues to be picked over (for example, the lack of police presence that allowed this to take place, and the disparate treatment of the protesters in this group by police compared to other protests across the nation), it's essential that we don't lose sight of that central fact.

No more whataboutisms, no more "both sides are bad".  We have a small group, led by our current President, that has brainwashed a portion of our populace to the point where nothing, not the will of the people as reflected in nationwide voting, not the rule of law as handed down by the judges who reviewed the many attempts to discredit or invalidate that vote and found them wanting, not even basic facts placed in front of them for their own review, nothing but the words of the man at the top of the heap seems to matter.  Yesterday, President Trump and crew unleashed that mob on his co-equal branch of government because he wasn't getting his way.  Argue if you want over whether what the mob did yesterday counts as sedition, but what President Trump and his cronies did sure looks to meet the dictionary definition of it.

On the plus side, this event seems to have made some people rethink their priorities a bit.  There have been some lawmakers who were happy to ride on the President's coat-tails up to now that seem to have decided that maybe the destination isn't worth the ride, and there have been some White House staffers who have decided to resign.  To my mind, they're still tainted goods, and I honestly can't think of anything they would be able to do to regain my trust in them individually or any party they belong to, but at least they finally saw the end-game and, given the choice, stayed on the side of the Constitution.

President Trump and his closest remaining allies, on the other hand, have demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are enemies of the Constitution.  Mind you, I'm not advocating violence against them or anything like that, but anybody who's taken an oath to support, uphold, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic, should hold that oath in the front of their mind for any further dealings with those individuals.

What does need to happen, however, is the removal, by Constitutional means, of President Trump in particular from office, ASAP.  Sure, it's less than two weeks until he's supposed to be gone anyways, but two weeks is plenty of time for mischief on a variety of scales, from pardons for the insurrectionist mob to nuclear launches, if what he's been feeding his faithful is a true reflection of his state of mind.  Whether it's the rumored discussions of implementing the 25th amendment from the executive branch or another go at impeachment by the legislative branch, I can honestly say there is no more pressing issue that needs attended to by those bodies, and I'm including the ongoing pandemic in that list.  Here's hoping I can come back to update this post with the good news shortly.

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