Monday, July 1, 2024

So, I guess we're a nation of vibes now?

 Those fuckers.

Whoops, first things first... yeah, Russia deserves everything they're getting and then some, and both Israel and Hamas can go eat a bowl of dicks.

That out of the way... those fuckers.  Who else could I be talking about today besides the corrupt, regressive wing of the Supreme Court?  Not content to just let their precedent-breaking take-down on abortion rights fester, not even content to rule that bribery is OK, so long as the bribe gets delivered after the fact, they had to go that one step further.  They upended something truly foundational, the concept that nobody is above the law - and they did so without even the barest of cover in the letter of the law or the Constitution, but just based on the insane assertion that, sometimes, presidents need to commit crimes, and it would be an unfair burden on them to have to consider the consequences of those crimes in the heat of the moment.

OK, so, first off, I never want to hear anything coming from any of their pie-holes about "original intent" from the Constitution ever again.  Up until today, it was pretty straightforward - presidents shouldn't be criming, and, if they really had to, any of their successors could pardon them for it after the fact.  Now, it's strictly a question of whether they're using the powers of their office - if so, it's not reviewable, ever.  That's so far beyond the intent of the founders, it's in the realm of what they were actively trying to prevent, the creation of a king.

We are now officially beyond "respect for the rule of law", because this court has demonstrated that the law simply doesn't matter - if they want something, they'll make that something happen, regardless of what the Constitution or the laws actually say.  Something needs to change, soonest.  Impeachments, pack the court, heck... I do my best not to wish ill on others, but, if Biden were to use his newly-granted immunities to create a few openings in the court, well, I might not agree with that, but I'd totally understand.

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