Thursday, May 2, 2019

Oculus Quest - looks like a fun toy, but...

Looks like we're taking another step closer to the "future" tech I've seen in sci-fi, anime, and video games from the 90's.  Oculus Quest will soon be a thing, giving us a VR headset and controls without any cables tethering you to a PC, or any need for a processor outside of what's in the device, and at a price point comparable to a gaming console.  Personally, I'm not super-stoked for this toy at this point, just because there isn't a lot of software available for it yet... whether that will be a problem that fixes itself will have to be seen.

Of course, now that there's hardware, I have to consider uses beyond what it was designed to do.  First thing off the top of my head... well, suppose that Google Stadia I posted about last time turns out to be everything it promises to be.  If so, it might not be a huge step from streaming one high-quality screen to handling generating a VR display on supporting devices, in which case... well, that opens up a LOT of possibilities, if you can offload processing tasks from the limited hardware of a battery-powered headset to "the cloud".