So, wow, a month and a half on, and the war in Ukraine goes on. Sanctions against Russia haven't proven to change their behavior in the slightest, which, considering that their behavior seems to include actual war crimes like targeting and executing civilians, still doesn't say good things about the rest of the world's effective non-involvement. At least we're providing some weaponry and supplies to let the Ukrainians keep trying to defend themselves, but it hardly seems like sufficient contribution to the defense of civilization as we know it.
Well, it's all beyond my control, so I'll just leave it at that for now. How about that Elden Ring, hey?
Here's the thing: Elden Ring is a good game. I haven't gotten terribly far into it, but I like what I've seen of it, and I can see an earlier version of me sinking in the time required to "get good" and, eventually, conquer the thing. But current me, I've got a job, and several other pass-times vying for my attention - on average, I might get one or two multi-hour play sessions in during a week, and that's not nearly enough to make much headway in this game. Combine that with the lack of any sort of pause feature, for when one of my cats gets to physically demanding attention, and I can't continue to make this my go-to game. I'll keep it installed, and I might dip in every so often to grind out another level or two, but that will definitely be on an "as the mood strikes me" sort of basis.
So, what will I do instead? Well, I was working my way through Mass Effect 2 when Elden Ring came out, so I think that will do for now. There's always new shinies coming out though, so we'll see what the future brings.