Wednesday, April 15, 2009

So, it's tax day...

This is one of those "events" that has never made any sense to me. I don't mean that I don't see a need for a deadline (otherwise, nobody would pay what they owed, obviously), just that I don't see how anybody holds off until the last minute in preparing their taxes, then need to rush to the post office mere minutes before midnight to get their stuff in on time.

If you expect to get money back, doing your taxes ASAP is a no-brainer (why let the government keep your money for any longer than necessary?). If you might need to send more to Uncle Sam, preparing your taxes early still makes sense (so you know how big of a bite you're in for)... if you need or want to hold off on sending it in afterwards, great. Maybe these people are worried about losing their tax forms in the meantime, or forgetting to send them off?

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