Wednesday, December 30, 2009

No more Playstation Portable ID

Regular readers might notice the lack of that big, black box that used to be on the right side of the page, showing the "trophies" I had earned on my PS3. It was always a little kludgy to begin with, requiring me to log in to their site to manually update information that could have been updated automatically quite readily... then, a few weeks back, the update feature stopped working entirely, at the same time as they redirected people logging in to a splash page advertising the game of the moment. I tried waiting it out, figuring somebody would notice and get it fixed in a timely manner, but it never happened.

So, anybody interested in what I'm playing on PS3 lately will have to just see what comes across on my Facebook feed... and, for you programmers out there, here's a concrete example of the importance of testing everything your code touches.

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