Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labor Day... how about a little simulated labor?

First off, since it's in the title of the post, a happy Labor Day to one and all.  Never hurts to take a day to reflect on the people that actually, well, DO things.  I'm a computer guy, so that really doesn't include me, usually (I just tell the computers what I want them to do... kind of like management, but without having to worry about the messy human details too much.  Hopefully, that sentence doesn't remind you of your managers).

Unfortunately, not doing things for work doesn't translate nicely into doing all sorts of things outside of work.  For instance, looks like I haven't posted here in over a month, which, I believe, is the first time that's happened.  It's simplest to say that life has simply gotten in the way a bit... first through my taking a long weekend away from home, then with unfortunate things in the lives of those close to me, which I won't be detailing here.  Long story short, it's thrown my carefully-crafted schedules out of whack, and I'm still catching back up.

Of course, it doesn't help that I've got a new fixation in my life... a little game called Animal Crossing: New Leaf.  In theory, you should be able to get by with as little as a half hour of game play a day... but I manage to get lost in it for much longer, all too often.  The sad thing is, I don't think it necessarily qualifies as a "game", as such... you end up getting made mayor of a small village, where the basic idea is that you own, upgrade, and furnish a house and gather funds to do public works projects.  There's no winning condition, there's no real penalty that I've seen to doing poorly... but the game keeps revealing new facets of itself over time.  It's an insidiously relaxing little thing... if you have a 3DS, you should probably have this game (I broke down and bought a 3DS XL).  If not... well, see if you know someone that does, and give it a go.  You might just find you need to set aside some time to gather bells yourself.

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