Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Another company for the no-buy list: LG

Not that I've bought a lot of LG gear in the past (off the top of my head, I know I've bought one of their phones before), but I've always thought of them as a relatively decent and inexpensive brand, keeping them fairly high-up on the list of possibilities should, say, my TV decide to fail me.  No longer... not when their gear is configured to spy on you, doubly no when it doesn't listen when you tell it to stop.

I'm sorry, but is it too much to ask that, when selling me a product, you sell me a simple product, not a trojan horse to spy on my activities?  If your company's answer to that simple question is "yes", I'd suggest you look for employ elsewhere... especially in these post-Snowden days, people are a little extra-touchy about that sort of thing.

Edit:  Apparently, it's not just channels and the contents of any USB drives plugged into the TV that's being reported home... now, news that they're apparently scanning any "shared" drives on your network, and reporting file data there as well.  So... triply no?

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