Thursday, February 26, 2015

Good on ya, FCC!

Amazingly, nay, near-miraculously, the FCC actually followed through and regulated Internet access today.  Of course, I've still got an element of "be careful what you wish for, 'cause you just might get it" lurking in the back of my mind, but I'm just pleased that, for once, on one major issue, the will of the people (in the form of over 4 million comments to the FCC) actually won out over corporate lobbying and greed.  Given the response so far from the ISPs and their congressional mouthpieces, I can't help but think there will be more good than harm from this... where I hear complaints about how this will limit investment and reduce innovation on the ISPs part, I can't help but hear "we had some good scams planned, and you're getting in the way!"

Of course, now we're almost certainly in for another round of legal wrangling, especially since the legislative option is effectively locked up for a couple of years (thanks, Obama!), but it sure feels nice to have this moment, at least, where options exist, should Comcast misbehave sufficiently, other than getting inferior service through my phone company's craptastic DSL.

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