Friday, December 29, 2017

Sony's taking another go at settling that whole PS3 Linux fiasco...

...and it only took them nearly 11 months (if my last post on this was timely) to work out this version.  At least, that's what I gather from the email that hit my inbox today.  Details this time:  rather than try to sort things out into different "classes" of claims, they're just lumping everybody together, and intending to pay out "up to" $65, depending on how many "valid" claims they get.  The cynic in me wonders what expected number of claimants they're using to come up with that $65 number... but the judge involved has slapped down their shenanigans before, so I won't fret over it too much right now anyways.  At least they're not asking us all to re-apply... since I already did last time, I'm supposedly good.  We'll see how things grind out this time, I guess.

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