Friday, November 1, 2019

Watching BoxThrone: Fail or Flail?

I posted last month about my experience ordering a BoxThrone game storage shelving system, including my eventual "settling" for parts they had on hand, for fear I would never see my order successfully completed.  While I'm still pleased with the final assembled product I have on hand, there's always that nagging doubt... maybe, if I had just held on for just a little bit longer, everything would have turned out fine without all the drama involved, that sort of thing.  To use a bit of a metaphor, it's a bit like riding on a train, seeing the bridge up ahead is out, hearing the brakes engaging, but thinking they're not strong enough to stop the train in time... so you jump off, suffer a few cuts and bruises on the landing, then watch transfixed as the train tries to stop in time.

So, I went back and checked their website, now that my old "wave" (and the one following it) should have been finished.  If the website is to be believed (thanks once again, Wayback Machine), the answer is no.  At least, it says it's "Arriving at warehouse/sorting" now, so there's some chance the remaining customers will be getting their goods non-biblically-soon... or it could even be that everything's shipped out already, and they just haven't updated their website (not super likely, but it's possible).  Still, looks like that locomotive is tipping into the gorge, so I'm quite glad I got off when I did now.

Update:  It's now the 4th, and, while their website hasn't changed, I can verify that they're shipping product.  Unfortunately, I can verify that because I got a surprise package.  They accidentally shipped part of my original order that, by rights, I shouldn't have gotten under our last deal, specifically the "long" shelves.  Thankfully, they weren't any more eager to deal with returning them than I was, so I now have everything I originally ordered, and then some, for all I won't have any use for the long shelves until/unless I break down the entire unit again and set it up in a different setting.

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