Monday, February 15, 2021

Enough of Elex, next!

 Well, as I hoped, Elex tempted me with a fun world idea, in the form of a previously-highly-technically-advanced world doing the whole post-apocalyptic thing due to a comet impact that, incidentally, spread the substance Elex all over, which different factions found different uses for.  But then, as I feared, the execution of the game chased me off.  Combat wasn't the issue so much this time (I'd put in in the OK category, which is better than I expected), but, between storytelling issues and camera oddities, I couldn't see myself loading the game back up again.  The worst of it was likely the bit near the very beginning where the game commits a cardinal sin for any role-playing game, not just removing agency from the player but revising after the fact to meet the narrative they want to tell (I came out of a ruin, saw a man sitting in the path ahead with their back turned to me, so I casually walked up to him, only to have the game treat it like I had tried to sneak up and club the guy from behind instead).  So, yeah, immersion broken, plus general jank on top, all says I'm done with that game.

Next up on the list would be Elite:Dangerous, but, having just put down No Man's Sky, I don't need another solo-flying-through-the-galaxy sort of experience with more complex controls just now... maybe if multiplayer was available to me at the moment, but it's not, so we'll pass for now.  That says the next game is... Fallout 4.  I've generally enjoyed that game, but always gotten bogged down before I could finish the main story line.  So, one more go, before I retire it for good.

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