Monday, June 11, 2007

Feast or Famine

Right now, an old Navy buddy of mine is beating himself up for verbally exploding on his family after a confluence of aggravations. I understand, in a way... he's a passionate sort to begin with, and the sharpest needles are those held by those that know you best. It gives me pause, though, because that's a big part of what's kept me from pursuing intimacy with most people... while the good times and laughs are worthwhile, the worries and annoyances and conflicts often outweigh the positives. I've become content with a more 'neutral' lifestyle, and find dealing with most people actually drains me these days... luckily, I do still have a few connections that get me out of the house every so often, otherwise I'd be downright hermitile, instead of merely reclusive.

Feast or famine, an excess of passion or a dearth... this definitely has the look of one of those "golden mean" things... guess I'll just have to take a look, see if I can find a path even further from the tepid comfort of numbness I embraced, then escaped, so long ago.

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