Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Organized Sports

Just a quickie for contemplation... organized sports (in their current form) originated back in the Industrial Age, when workers' weekly work schedules were reduced to a mere five and a half 12-hour days (or longer) per week, and the upper classes wanted something to distract the proles from liquor, lewdness, corruption and abuse on their new full day off. As a side effect, the popularity of sports increased newspaper readership, as savvy publishers added sports sections and box scores to their papers.

Fast forward to current day... we apparently have players on drugs, refs on the take, and, in many cases, cultures of abuse and/or lewdness that far outstrip anything the originators feared. Change for the better... well, it doesn't always stay that way.


delRhode said...

Now now, we all know my thoughts can often take a darker turn... concentrate on the funny, the rest can catch up with you later... :)

delRhode said...

Yep, I just saw... ya went and blew my sooper seekrit identity, ya did... :)