Wednesday, June 25, 2008

DVD pick: Master of the Flying Guillotine

OK, this one's not for everybody... but if you like '70s martial arts films, and haven't seen this one yet, get it now. Sure, it's got its share of standards for the genre (including "perky daughter of the martial arts master", "blind fighter" and "elimination tournament")... but there are a number of oddities that just work well (the tournament's not the whole movie, nor even the focus... the hero only has one arm... and the blind guy's the villain). On top of all that, there's the matter of the "flying guillotine", the villain's weapon... it's aptly named, improbable in form, and entirely too cool for words. For added fun, check out the movie trailers... when a '70s trailer says a movie will "blow your mind", you can guess what state they expected it to be viewed in... :)

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