Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No, Sweeney was a murderer, not an usurer

Boy, it seems like I've got nothing but complaints lately... but I never tire of ridiculing TicketsWest, so what the heck.

I got a flier in the mail today for upcoming events at the Fox Theater (and no, I won't refer to it by its new "paid" name), including a production of Sweeney Todd, a piece I have some fondness for. However, I'm a cheap bastard, and the minimum listed ticket price of $32 gives me some pause. Just for fun, I check out the website... and the minimum price there is $30, a pleasant surprise. However, the act of selecting the ticket you want takes you off to a TicketsWest website, where $6 in unspecified and unnamed fees are added to the line item for the ticket... after which a $3 "order fee" is added to the total order. There's also a spot for a "delivery fee", if you want to actually get the tickets you ordered for the order fee I suppose.

Last time I looked at a ticket through TicketsWest, they were only trying to double-dip on the fees, and they at least had the minimal honesty to state what all the fees were for... and I still went around them and bought directly from the Symphony, in that case. I'm sure as hell not going to tack on a third again the price of a ticket to line their pockets with yet more, unspecified fees, no matter how tempting the show. I wonder if there's a feedback link on the theater website...

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