Thursday, October 2, 2008

Veep Debate - Yawn and Sigh

I won't call this a "fair" review of the debate... I only paid close attention for the first half-hour or so, then left it on in the background, because it was downright DULL. Unlike the presidential debate, where you got some foils crossing directly on occasion, the VP-wannabes talked almost exclusively about the main candidates... not unexpected, but not exactly riveting, either. I mean, if I want to get spun statistics about third parties, there's ads galore on the TV to slake that thirst. The bits I did notice when I was paying attention:
  • Obviously, both candidates had been told to rein it in a touch and behave... no major gaffes on either party's part, but neither did they stray far from their prepared points.
  • As is sadly normal for such "debates" these days, the "answers" given didn't often have much relation to the questions the moderator asked. In Biden's case, he might start with something approaching the question before curving back around to what he was after at the moment. In Palin's case, she flat-out told Biden and the moderator, in slightly nicer words, that she was going to talk about what she wanted to talk about, whether it related to anything the moderator asked, or Biden said, or not... disrespectful, but not unexpectedly so, again sadly.
  • OMG, Palin's another one that can't (or won't) say NUCLEAR properly... ew.
Apart from that... eh, it was there. I'm thinking I made the right decision to do dishes for the last half-hour or so.

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