Monday, February 16, 2009

Movie o' the day: The Tale of Desperaux

Back when it was first coming out, the trailers didn't tell you much about this movie. All you could really gather was that it involved an uncommon talking mouse with delusions of chivalry. It was the right choice on the studio's part... the story involved is much more than that, spread among a number of characters, but the whole works best when you don't know the scope of the story at the beginning.

So, I'm not going to tell you much about it at all... but it is a nice little movie, and, unusually for things I write about, suitable for all ages that can stand to watch an entire movie all the way through (unless you're one of those people that thinks a mouse sticking a human with a sewing needle is too much of an "imitatable act"). If it's not already, I'm sure it will be out on DVD in short order... or, if you want the theater experience, it's still playing at the Garland.

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