Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Subscription TV via Internet - one step closer

I'm sure some of you must be getting sick of my "Roku box is the best toy EVAR" posts, but this could be a pretty significant milestone. has a subscription service that lets you watch major-league baseball games live, in HD, over the 'net, for about $35/year... and now it's available on the Roku box (link).

So, call it about $5/month for the "active" time of the year for baseball... depending on how much in the way of commercials get added to your video feed (I'd like to believe none, but I know better), it's perhaps a little steep. But, if you can build a system to handle the traffic at that price for multiple, simultaneous feeds of real-time sports data, I'm thinking that it wouldn't be too hard to stream live broadcast of your favorite currently-only-available-by-cable-or-satellite TV channels at a similar price point per channel... and, while I won't shell out $50 a month (give or take) for 100+ channels of stuff I will never watch, there are at least a few channels I could see paying a few bucks a month to watch.


Matt said...

Just ordered our Roku box. Drumming around the Roku site, it sounds like there could be several more new channels like this before the end of the year.

delRhode said...

So they say... we'll see what actually comes down the pipe, of course. If cable's taught me anything at all, it's that more channels does not necessarily mean better content... :)