Sunday, August 30, 2009


Before the weekend started, I saw signage on one of those shut-down big-box stores for the annual infestation of seasonal costume/accessory shops... but I didn't think too much about it, since they still had "hiring now" signs up, and it could easily be a few weeks before they have everything in place to do the whole Halloween shtick. Tonight, I was walking through the aisles at my local supermarket, and... there's the Halloween candy, etc. That's over 2 months before the event, which, for most people I know, consists of making sure they have some candy on-hand to dole out to costumed children. Holiday creep just blew past the ludicrous zone right into pathetic.


Matt said...

Yes, but was the candy on sale yet? Last year there was so much candy on the shelves, the RiteAid across from our office had 2 for 1 starting almost three weeks before halloween.

delRhode said...

Oh yes, it was mostly candy... I might actually feel bad, feeding candy that stale to neighborhood children (if I held it until Halloween, of course).

Beth said...

Halloween, hell. Costco's already starting to put up the Christmas trees. I kid you not.

delRhode said...

Yeah, just saw that tonight... thought about another semi-outraged post, but just can't muster the outrage somehow. Maybe it's because I've seen Costco whore itself out to Christmas for so many years now...