Sunday, July 10, 2011

More games to waste time you dont have

And here I thought it was going to be a fairly sedate, relaxed sort of weekend... instead, I find myself sleep-deprived and desperately wanting to play on the PC, but not daring to, lest I miss my regularly-scheduled Sunday afternoon activities.

First, it's worth mentioning that CivWorld has entered open beta on Facebook. It's nicely set up to let you either obsess over it throughout the day, or come back every so often for a longer play session... in my case, it comes out to about an hour a day to take care of things there. It's still not quite ready for prime time, but it's worth your while to check out, if you're into Civilization-style games with little mini-games attached.

Then, there's a little slice of evil called Terraria... I picked it up on sale from Steam the other day for $2.50, so my expectations weren't all that high. Next thing I know, it's after midnight, and I'm considering One More Trip into the depths... so, if exploration and crafting are up your alley, this game is for you, even at the regular $10 they usually charge. Most people think of it as a 2-d version of Minecraft, and they're right insofar as working out what to do to get started is pretty well impossible without referring to online help... but to me, it's more like that Miner Dig Deep game I blogged about earlier this year, with a huge world to play in, build in, and fight various monsters in to boot.

Suffice it to say, I'll be playing CivWorld most evenings, after I get home from work... while Terraria falls into the category of "early weekend only" games, so I can continue to be a somewhat-productive member of society.

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