Monday, August 13, 2012

2012 Olympics - Closed

Summer Olympics are done for another 4 years... no major incidents that I heard about, and the U.S. pretty well dominated medals-wise, so that's nice.  Once again, NBC coverage was sucktastic, for anybody without a cable subscription especially.

As far a closing ceremonies go... well, I didn't watch much of it this time.  Pretty much every time I tuned in, it was another rock/pop group performing, which doesn't strike me as particularly "ceremonial"... except, of course, when there was a Python performing "Always Look On the Bright Side of Life", which was definitely not ceremonial, but at least amusing.  When Brazil's turn came up for the "coming attractions" part of the show, that was... interesting, at least.  Certainly, it was a damn sight better than what London did last games... it'll be interesting to see how things shape up, in four years' time.

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