Monday, October 22, 2012

Blast from the Past

So, my high-school girlfriend from a couple decades back called me over the weekend, and we talked for a couple of hours (or, really, she mostly talked and I mostly listened, but, in my case, that's more or less to be expected).  Let's just say I'm "conflicted", and leave it at that for now.

1 comment:

delRhode said...

How to put it... not that I have great scads of experience, but I think this game, with this player, is best played slowly, for multiple reasons. The past month has been a series of "nudges", and, assuming nothing changes over Thanksgiving weekend, I'll escalate to "push". Thereafter, things go, or they don't, this go around... either way, an extra month or two after a couple decades won't hurt much.

I'll be sure to post something less cryptic, once this round is played out... ;)