Saturday, March 28, 2020


So, I always liked the general idea of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, but it's been years since I last played it... which is the only excuse I have for forgetting how much I disliked certain aspects of it.  Basically, it's "escort mission, the video game", which would be unfortunate enough on its own, but pair that with imprecise controls and a camera that can't decide whether you or the game is in control, and it becomes an exercise in frustration.  I might look up video on the game later, but I can't force myself to play it while I've got so many others to explore.

Next in the queue then is... Lost Odyssey, which looks to be a very strange JRPG, only part of the strangeness being due to the sub-par (by modern standards) localization in English from the original Japanese.  Wild costuming, a world in the throes of a "Magical Industrial Revolution", and multiple literal immortals in your party, once you finally get "on the road", all of these point towards a story that might hold my interest.  Hopefully so, since I already have some serious doubts about this game's particular twist on the standard JRPG combat system.

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