Friday, March 27, 2020

That's enough Dragon Age II for me.

Well, I lasted a fair bit longer on this game.  I likely would have finished it out, but there were just too many game-freezing bugs for me to endure through to the end.  Of course, that could be solely the fault of the game itself, or something to do with the XBox One backwards-compatibility stuff not being quite up to snuff... either way, it's a shame, since it's another "has its charms" sort of game.

In brief then, design choices that stuck with me, good and bad.  The more action-RPG bent of the game worked for my playstyle, but pretty much every fight of any consequence boiled down to "defeat waves of enemies", enemies that appeared on the field with little justification - in fact, in one case, I watched an ogre literally "fade in" in front of me, which does immersion no favors.  I liked that they stuck with the idea of having a dog, while demoting it from follower to summon... but hated that the summon would disappear (and trigger a cooldown) every time you changed maps.  Speaking of maps, they got reused liberally - not just the art assets, mind you, but the actual maps, something that "doors that don't register and can't be opened" kind of helps to point out.  Finally, the story and setting... well, I liked the idea of playing in the same city and surroundings over the course of multiple years, with the whole "yeah, the fight for the fate of the world happened elsewhere while you were busy here" vibe, but advancing the timeline by three years, and finding gear for sale in the slums both better and higher-priced than anything you could buy in the posh districts earlier was another blow to immersion.

So, yeah, I don't regret the time I spent playing, but it could have been much better and more stable... can't help but wonder if it was a rush job of some sort, to cash in on the success of the first game.  Oh well, enough of that, on to the next... looks to be Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is next on the docket.  Something platformy as a palate cleanser might not be a bad thing at all.

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