Sunday, April 1, 2007

Animation Recommendation: Danger Mouse

This will likely be a recurring item hereabouts... I do like my animation. Of course, I like it for many and varied reasons, all of which I myself may not know. Take, for example, Danger Mouse. Hand-drawn animation done for the BBC in the early '80s... so we're not talking the height of technique at the time (but still better than some of what passed for cartoons then)... but it redeems itself quite nicely with its mix of dry humor (as only the British can do) and outright silliness. Be warned (or enticed, as the case may be), as a product of the '80s, P.C. just isn't on the radar (note the accent of Stiletto, the Baron's hench-crow).

How much do I like this series? I picked up the first two seasons as soon as I saw them on DVD at Christmas, and, after snagging the next disc from Netflix, I will be picking up seasons 3 and 4 as well... and as a rule, I don't buy discs I can get through Netflix.


Beth said...

And thank you for the earworm...

He's the ace,
He's amazing.
He's the strongest, he's the quickest, he's the best.

delRhode said...

Always glad to be of service... :)

You know, that's my one problem with the DVDs to date... they've preserved the cartoons completely, which means in later seasons, where they were like 10-minute shorts, you have to deal with that intro again and again and again and...