Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sloth and Creativity

I have at least one friend, and likely a few more, that will be taking part in a "National Novel Writing Month" event next month, doing their damnedest to write a full-length novel (perhaps one even worth reading) in a month's time. Me... I'm looking forward to picking up Vol. 5 of the Looney Tunes Golden Collection, and probably a copy of Tabula Rasa to play.

I could carry on about how these people are more "creative" than I am, but, the fact is, they're likely not... I could go into how I'm more geared towards visual arts, and maybe there's a grain of truth to that, but that's not right either. Generally, I am averse to getting in on a group activity for the sake of it being a group activity... I'd much rather meander alone than join the lemming hordes of Bloomsday, for example... and that goes for personal creativity, too. In the meantime, I'm more than happy to consume the creations of others, especially as that is a much simpler activity.

My only concern... already, the occasional drive to create has lessened over time. I think of my father, who was a composer... yet barely played piano or sang (outside the church choir) while I was old enough to notice. I'll definitely have to get back on a creative jag... one of these days...

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