Thursday, December 13, 2007

New Toy

CompUSA is going away locally, so of course I had to go scavenging over lunch today... and that little white box above the keyboards is the main result.  Yep, it's a low-end Mac Mini... which I'm using to write this post.  I'm waiting for the newest OS to come in the mail from Apple at this point, and I'm going to have to pick up a new KVM switch to properly integrate it into my octopus of computer madness, but these are minor things.

...and best of all, I found the Terminal.  Yes, it's Unix inside, and I can ssh and vi to my heart's content.  This may well end up becoming a "portable" system for me to work with from home and one of my worksites.  Oh, I didn't mention that I might be working in more than one place now?  I'm not yet, but one of the "sister" companies laid off their (overpaid) super-tech... I'm not a betting man, but I'd wager that I'll be setting up a workspace at their office before the end of the year... which is no skin off my back, it's about half as far from my house as my "real" office... :)

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