Sunday, December 2, 2007

One... More... Turn...

A fair part of my life is playing games, especially computer/console games. Every so often, one comes along that entices me into playing just one more turn, taking on just one more task, until I find myself staggering off to bed in the wee hours of the morning, because I really need to get some sleep. Civilization (in its various incarnations) has always been that way, and does it reliably enough to most people that I've used it as a "Trojan horse" to inflict my sickness on other people. Puzzle Pirates did it to me for a while, with its odd combination of puzzle gameplay tied to "useful" goals in-game... and now, that deadly combination has made it to the PS2 and Wii in the form of "PuzzleQuest". I figured, for $20, I could give it a shot... and played the damnable thing for nearly 12 hours straight. If you're looking for a console RPG that you can take at a leisurely pace, this will do it for you... but it looks like you'll have to shell out $30 if you want the Wii version.

1 comment:

delRhode said...

Ah yes, one of the definite pluses of roommates... handy game opponents... :)

I've got Civ4 installed, and I do go back to it on occasion... but, for all its beauty, the Civ franchise is still mainly improvements (albeit great, whopping improvements) on the basic game laid out in the early 90s... and all the new toys that come out do tempt me so... :)

Oh, and congrats on getting Cosmic Encounter finally. You don't know how hard I had to restrain my cruel urge to post to your thread about having both CE and Age Of Wonders: Shadow Magic floating about the house... :)