Friday, August 29, 2008

Comcast Cap Coming

Well, I guess it's official... come October 1st, Comcast will begin enforcing a 250GB/month data transfer cap (that's combined up/download), at least according to this. My Google-Fu's not up to spec, though... I can't find any press release on Comcast's website to back it up, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was buried deep, on the theory that most customers "just won't care".

As for me... I think I'm currently well below that limit, even with my Roku box in play. The problem is that I don't know that I'm below the limit, and Comcast apparently has no plans on producing a "usage meter" that customers can check at will. I'm sure I've said it before (I just can't find it readily), but... if you're going to meter a service I'm paying for in any way, shape, or form, I damn well expect to have access to the meter, both to check my usage and to challenge errors.

Oh well, it's another step down the road of Comcast losing relevance down the road, I'm guessing. Come on, Qwest, get that fiber laid in my neighborhood, plzkthxbai.... :)

EDIT: I stumbled across a link to the official bits... it's not a press release, its an "Announcement Regarding An Amendment to Our Acceptable Use Policy", which can be found here.

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