Thursday, August 14, 2008

Moving day - Ow.

So I'm sitting here recuperating from two days of company-moving madness... my company's shrunk over time, our old space was way too big for us, there's a more reasonable space at the other end of the building, kind of a no-brainer. Of course, since the building we're occupying was never intended to be office space (actually, it was built to be a nursing home for Alzheimers patients), there was a bit more physical labor for me than I'm used to. Mainly, I had to pull network and phone cabling through the space (our phone guy just happened to be going on a one-week Alaskan vacation during our move...) and get everybody working in their new offices.

Thankfully, it looks like I'm about done. I've got one more server to place in the new space, and the technology side should be mostly done (I've got a problem with one fax line, but we've got another... so the phone guy can investigate when he gets back). One more day of fun, and then I'll get to enjoy one benefit of the move. You see, the space we're taking over isn't quite wholly vacant yet, so, having no office, I'll be forced, forced I say, to work from home for the foreseeable future... :)

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