Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stones, glass houses, and all that

A few days back, there was a protest gathering against California's Proposition 8... in Spokane, in front of Spokane City Hall. When I heard that, I was all ready to put forth a missive about appropriate time and place... you know, either go to California to protest a California proposition, or at least target something remotely connected to the support for the problem you're fighting. However, something didn't feel quite right, so I mulled it over a bit.

It finally struck me... what those protesters were doing was something quite similar to many of the blog posts I've made on this site. I mean, much of what I write in complaint here is "preaching to the choir", or at least to a napping congregation, or something like that... sure, I could write letters to my local congresscritters, City Hall, or the like, and possibly get some actual results, but I content myself with blogging in a "public" place where, in truth, very few people will ever read what I write, unless I go and do something unexpected to make my name (in)famous. As an added bonus, those protesters got some small sense of community, of being part of "something bigger", which I know matters quite a bit to some people.

So, much as I'd like to, I can't really mock those protesters too much. All I can suggest is that they aim a little higher, and take a little more risk, if they're going to be serious about supporting a cause in the future.

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