Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Movie o' the day: Star Trek

I know, this is pretty early after release for me to have seen the film, but after hearing nothing but good things from all quarters, I had to check it out myself. Unfortunately, it's another movie that I would have to give "spoilers" to do a proper review on... suffice it to say that, yes, they made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that they were kicking off an "alternate history" of Star Trek with this film. Heck, they did a good enough job of that differentiation that I could readily see myself watching a sequel to this film, and might even follow a new series, were this the launch point.

Of course, it wasn't a perfect film by any means... on the visuals side, there were two bits that I never cared for on sci-fi ships. The "enemy" ship is spiky all over, for no apparent better reason than to make it the "scary" ship, which isn't even remotely necessary (think Death Star for the antithesis of that concept). Also, one of the Federation ships had a large, rapidly spinning section, which falls in the same category of being flashy for no reason, not to mention entirely inconsistent with every Federation ship I've ever seen, at least.

Beyond that, there was at least one major plot hole, which I can't detail without giving away entirely too much of the movie... but if you just sit back and enjoy the ride, it's still a load of fun.

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