Saturday, September 5, 2009

Note on the window

Work let us all leave early yesterday, so I drove downtown to check out Ponyo (fun, innocent film... maybe I'll blog it properly later) and Pig Out in the Park (disappointing variety/quality of food offerings this year). I went ahead and parked in the River Park Square parking garage, since the movie validation would affray the cost a bit... and parked a bit to the right of center in the space I found (since the van to the left had done the same), but still well within the lines. That's one of the little joys of driving a Yaris, because they are in no way a Large Car.

Once I was done, I came back to the car, only to find a note on the window, which read "Thank you for parking so close :) I love climbing over the passenger side to get tiny my car :)". Now, admittedly, I hadn't paid much attention to the car to my right, beyond making sure it wasn't over the line marker for the space I was getting into... but neither should that be necessary, that being the purpose of those space marking lines being painted on the ground in the first place. So, in effect, the lady in question (judging mainly by the handwriting and tone of the note) was attempting to make me feel bad for daring to occupy the parking space to the left of her car. Of course, being the sort that I am, it had the exact opposite effect, making me happy to have inconvenienced such a self-centered person sufficiently to compel them write their note for me.

There's still the chance, certainly, that I'm being more of an ass than usual, so let me know what you think... was there some unwritten rule of etiquette that I violated, or was climbing over the passenger seat a small price to pay for the other driver's lack of planning?

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