Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spot on!

I try not to just link off to other sites' stuff without some personal commentary, but this one's got the topic covered, with humor, so there's not much for me to say... except that it's a must-read for videogame-philes and -phobes alike. Why Your Loved Ones Hate Videogames


Beth said...

Totally spot on. Also, though it fills me with shame to admit it, whatever that screenshot is from? With the gophers and the balls and the fever-o-meter?

I must play it now.

delRhode said...

That'd be Peggle, a PopCap game, available on a number of systems. In your case, since they didn't release it for the Wii (and, for the life of me, I don't know why not), the Mac version is likely your best bet:

Beth said...

Thanks, pusher man. *slaps forearm, looking for vein to tie off*