Wednesday, December 18, 2019

It's impeachment time... time to watch the republic crumble.

So, it's finally happened... President Trump has been impeached.  On one side, the Democrats (less a few politically vulnerable members) determining, and voting to match that determination, that the President did not just wrong things, but sufficiently wrong that he needs removed from office.  On the other side, the Republicans, flying in the face of the evidence on display, determining the opposite, deciding that nothing the President did was all that bad, because those darn Democrats were out to get him from the start.  Not, mind you, because he didn't do what he's accused of doing (that I've heard to date at any rate), but because he's their guy, and the other side are just meanies.

That much alone pretty much seals, in my mind, that the Republican party of today is entirely corrupt, and it doesn't speak well for the few Democrats to follow their lead either.  I mean, the first article you can maybe argue one way or the other, but the obstruction of congress one is pretty clear cut... and this stage of the process is just deciding something wrong likely happened, then passing it on to the Senate to determine how wrong and what consequences need to take place because of it.  Even if the Senate is going to do their best to quickly and quietly dispose of the burden laid at their feet (which is extremely likely, what with a Republican majority and Trump being "their guy"), this was a perfect opportunity for anyone on the Republican side of the house to say "yeah, this is messed up, maybe we should at least consider there might be a problem", but each and every one decided that party solidarity (and the party's support for their re-election) trumped their oath to defend the Constitution.

Assuming the impeachment trial plays out as expected, and the President is exonerated, the remaining year of Trump's first term is likely going to be a cavalcade of further misbehavior, all with a side of "What ya gonna do, impeach me?" thrown in.  Then, it's the election... where the Democrats hope they can grab control of the reins of power, but generally not upset the cart too much, lest they lose their corporate backers and/or spawn a wave of militants from the other side.  Republicans, on the other hand, are hoping to ride Trump through that election, do even more to enrich themselves and their backers at the expense of the nation, and maybe find out if Trump was really joking when he's suggested staying on for multiple terms.  Between the two, it's not a matter of whether the ship stays afloat, just how quickly we get to watch it sink... and, of course, what rises in its place.

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