Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cell Phone Adventure: Hoist By My Own Petard

It's a sad fact of life: I'm getting older. One of the first effects that I've had cause to notice is that my memory is becoming slightly less reliable... not Alzheimer's scale or anything (thankfully!), but just enough to get me into trouble sometimes. Case in point, the latest twist in my Cell Phone Adventure.

Turns out, I forgot that, back when AT&T begat Cingular, that I paid for my old service for a number of months to Cingular before "upgrading" to a new phone, plan, etc. As such, I didn't dig deeply enough into my billing records to see when I actually signed up for their plan... and it turns out that I actually signed up in January 2006... which is less than 2 years... and so, in my final bill, I got a nasty $150 shocker added on (the dreaded Contract Termination Fee).

When I first saw the bill, I was livid, ready to drive into town and raise all manner of hell... then I found the proof of when the service started, verified it, and proceeded to berate myself six ways from Sunday. Then I went and did some calculations, just to see what I had inadvertently done to myself... and it turns out that, supposing I don't use my phone much more than I have recently, I will still barely come out ahead after all is said and done. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I'd rather be lucky than smart any day.

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