Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Well, maybe a new toy...

OK, so, like I said last time, new game systems aren't looking likely for that rebate check... but something else I've been keeping an eye out for is an HDTV set (primarily for new-generation game systems, but also for use as a living-room computer monitor). The problem is, since I'm looking at computer use, I'd really want the 1080p resolution... and all the screens with that resolution are a) huge, and b) pricey.

...or, they have been until now. Here's something I just ran across... small enough for the living room, well under $1000, and scads and oodles of input and output jacks, something that's a must for techie geeks like me. I'm not sold on it yet, but it wouldn't take much, I'm thinking... :)

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