Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Random Wii Fun

Nothing worth an entire writeup on its own, but here's some Wii bits for you:

  • If you have a spare 500 points lying around, you could do worse than Kirby's Adventure. Graphics and sound are pretty minimal (even by the standards of the day), but the gameplay's still there.
  • Yesterday, I had a wolf spider crawling around on my TV screen while I had the Shopping Channel open, the white screen backlighting it nicely. I don't know why, but I decided to approach the spider with the "hand" created by the Wiimote... and it reacted! I probably spent at least a good five minutes slowly creeping up on the spider from behind, to have it wheel around at the last moment, getting more and more annoyed each time, before I finally swept it off with a magazine. Sometimes, cheap entertainment is the best.
  • Somebody in my extended network of Wii owners has software for making advanced/modded Miis... I had noticed Scooby and Snakehead in the parade easily enough earlier, but yesterday I found Jesus. I'm just trying to picture him showing up in various Mii-enabled games...
  • Depending on your tastes, "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King" may well be worth the $15 they want for it. I haven't played it through by any means, but... mechanics-wise, it's sort of like Harvest Moon meets Progress Quest... but it works well, at least judging by how long I spent there last night playing "just one more day". If it holds up under continued play, I'll likely give a more detailed writeup another time.

1 comment:

Matt said...

You are correct. My Life as a Blond 10-year-old Moppet is quite addicting. Now if I could just get through a game without starting over so I can have a different layout for the town.