Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Comcast update

So, in case any of you were wondering, and since I don't have much else relevant to blog about this week, here's where the whole cable-modem thing sits right now: I did get a reply the very same night I posted my last entry, which was unexpected. The next day, we got down to the meat of the issue, verifying serial numbers, MAC addresses and the like... and I've been credited (so I'm told) the $3/month charge for the period I was charged up to this point, and should continue being credited for as long as necessary (expecting "a couple of weeks") while they update their inventory records to reflect that I actually do own my modem. I suspect that time frame includes looking for any physical evidence at the local office that I don't own the modem, but that's understandable enough.

What's not-so-understandable is that their chat technician got confused about when I started getting charged this rental fee... it wasn't March of last year, it was 28JUN08, which, if you look at the history of this blog, was just after I turned in my TV equipment. It was probably just an error on the part of some data entry critter... probably. At any rate, now it's just a little limbo-time while the wheels of bureaucracy grind away, if things go the way they should. If not, I'll be sure to rant some more another day! :)

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