Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cell Phone Adventure Time!

So yeah, I started out my cell-phone-using life something over 4 years ago... I know this because I've had two 2-year contracts, first through AT&T, then through Cingular (which split off from AT&T, and is now returning). The first trip with AT&T started a little bit rough (I basically had to threaten to reject the phone when it arrived to get it shipped... strange, but true), but was smooth sailing from there on out. When AT&T begat Cingular, I bought a new phone and a new contract... and had nothing but trouble getting billed in a timely manner... to the point where I actually received one bill after the due date.

Now that Cingular's being re-absorbed by AT&T, I had some hope that billing might get straightened out. I received my first AT&T bill on Monday, with a due date of Thursday.

Now, it should be well known to just about everybody here that, to the greatest extent possible, I Don't Do Phones... my cell phone exists almost entirely to catch "help me" calls from work, with family coordination and pizza being close runners up. I've got several thousand "rollover minutes" on my current phone that I can't ever foresee using. So... I'm going to experiment with a prepaid phone from Virgin Mobile. It's charging as I, er, speak... let's see how much fun we get to have on this one!

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