Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Computer Archaeology

Matt was kind enough to scrounge up a USB 3.5" floppy for me (thanks Matt!), so I dug deeper into the past with DosBox... back to times where EGA graphics were top of the line (look it up, whippersnappers... :)). Back to times where manuals were huge, in part to distract you during the forever-install process. Back to when companies actually used a 720k floppy for the last disk of an install set, because it was cheaper than all the 1.44M floppies they had to use otherwise.

It was an interesting journey... and not entirely fruitless, either, between things like Dungeon Hack and the original Sam & Max game. Sad to say, I just couldn't bring myself to install Windows 3.1 on the Mac... some wrongness is just best left untouched.

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