Thursday, February 21, 2008

Field Day

I'm working in the housing industry just now, which means things are pretty slow at work... there are plans in the works to change that, but it doesn't change the fact that I honestly have nothing useful to do at work right now. It's bad enough that I decided to head home at lunch today and give the house a good field day. For those of you unfamiliar with that Navy phrase, it's spending the entire day doing nothing but cleaning, usually with the expectation of getting your area inspected thereafter (based on the results of which there may be more cleaning in your future, or, in rare instances, getting the rest of the day off, that sort of thing).

So now, the cobwebs are knocked down, every room has been dusted and swept/mopped/vacuumed, the bathroom's thoroughly swabbed out, and most of the glass/chrome bits are cleaned up. It's not inspection-ready, and I really wish I could air the place out a bit, but it's not too shabby, either. Now, I just have to figure out what I'm going to do with myself tomorrow.

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